Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas On Shaffer Street

       " Christmas On Shaffer Street"
                      oil 12" x 12" 

     Christmas On Shaffer Street
This is my nieghbor's house across the street from my house. I think their home is a pretty home. I've been waiting to see how they were going to decorate their home for Christmas. 

They did a nice job, I just had to paint it. I painted this painting from my kitchen window. It was the perfect view. That is as close as I was going to get to Plein Air, because the temperatur outside was too cold for my blood. 

If interested in this painting contact me at:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Winter At Ft. Ben

      "Winter At Ft. Ben" Oil 16" x 20"

              Winter At Ft. Ben

This is one of my favorite winter spots. Ft. Benjamin Harrison  is a beautiful State Park in Indianapolis, with all sorts of beauty just around the corner.  

Why I decided to paint this, is the beauty of the bridge. The snow covering the ground, and all the colors winter has to offer. Waiting for someone like me to capture. 

If interested please contact me at: 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Winter On Big Walnut

    "Winter On Big Walnut" Oil 8" x 10"

              Winter On Big Walnut

This was one of my favorite places to visit as a teen. The beauty of the place has not change, since my teen years. This spot is known by locals as the "Four Arches". This place is in Greencastle Indiana in Putnum County. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Drive On Blue Creek Road

        Drive On Blue Creek Road. 
                  Oil 12 x 12 

It poured down rain  on Saturday during the paint-out in Brookville Indiana. It made a soggy day of painting, so I gave up and painted this in the motel. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Old Ski Hills of Brown County

    The Old Ski Hills of Brown County
            Oil 8 x 10 Plein Air

I painted this in Brown County Indiana, at the T.C. Steele "Great Outdoors" Plein Air paint-out in September. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Red trailer

    "Red Trailer" Plein Air oil 11 x 14

        Red Trailer
I've been staying with some friends this summer on their farm. In the back part of their property I have found an artist dream. Old farm equipment to paint! It has been such a delight to spend my summer here with them. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Purple Barn

Plein Air oil 11 x 14
               Purple Barn 

It was a very cold morning. I don't think I have ever been that cold painting. 

I liked the color of the barn which seemed to brighten up the cold gray sky. I had fun painting this painting along side with another artist. It's always fun if you have someone with you when you paint. 

This painting was painted in New Harmony Indiana for the "First Brush of Spring" paint out. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Paintings Coming Your Way

I will be updating new painting next week to my blog. There will be paintings from my New Harmony trip, First Brush of Spring.

Each painting will tell a story of my adventure, and people I have met. Along with pictures of this unique Utopian town. The adventure is just days away. See you in a week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Ohio River

                                                                   The Ohio River Oil on panel 12 x 16

The Ohio River

This was an exciting trip to Derby Indiana at the end of September 2012. The trees were starting to change their colors, and the days were still warm. I could not ask for better weather. It was just perfect to paint plein air and take photos.
Derby Indiana is along highway 66 and Highway 70 in Southern Indiana. There is not much there in business, but it offers cabins for a getaway along the Ohio river, and beauty all around for sight seeing.
This was a perfect vacation on the weekend and I would love to revisit this place some day soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Step 3 Crows Bridge Study

                                                                    Crows Bridge Oil on canvas 14 x 18

Step 3 Crows Bridge Study

This is the final step in this study. I decided that some of the trees behind the bridge needed some variation to make them look more nature. I increased the height of  two of the trees. Then I added the front post of the bridge, and darken the underside of the bridge wall. I added vines going down the wall on the back entrance wall side on the left side of the painting. I went to the front grasses and brought them out more. When that was done, I finished up the road, by adding shadows and high lights. Then I smoothed out the water bringing in the reflections. I am now happy with the painting.
Look for more step by step demos on my blog.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Step 2 Crows Bridge Study


Step 2 Crows Bridge Study

With this step I painted the road and the boards on the bridge. Then I went and filled in the color of the grass, and added the color for the water. When that was done I went back to the bridge. I painted in the front and back entrance, and back side of the bridge and side rails. I left the front poles out on this step.
Look for step 3 soon!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Step 1 Crows Bridge Study


Step One

On the first step I sketch in the drawing. Then I started with the sky. When that step was down I laid in the background trees, and the background. I made sure I put in the middle ground trees, and put in the dark shadow under the bridge. I did try to keep in mind to work all over the canvas, adding a little color here and there. I didn't want to get stuck on just one spot.
Crows Bridge Study
Oil on canvas 14 x 18
The next step will be coming soon!

Crows Bridge Study

                                                                   Crows Bridge Oil on Masonite 6 x 8 Plein Air

Crows Bridge Study

I went to Greencastle Indiana to paint something that would be a historical landmark for "Painting Indiana III". I later decided to use another painting for that.
I will use this study for a larger painting. I will be showing it here soon with step by step, on how I am doing the painting.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Palette, Brushes, & Knives

Palette, Brushes, & Knives


Colors that I use:

Yellows: Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Yellow medium, and Yellow Ochre

Blues: Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, and Ultramarine

Reds:Alisarin Crimson, and Cadmium Red Light 

White: Titanium White

                                                                Black I use only with the yellows to make a more interesting green.

Brushes: My brushes are the economy brushes, I buy them from Prizm Art Supply. I don't like using expensive brushes because I sometimes forget to clean my brushes. This way it's just easier for me to go out and buy straight from the store, knowing I am not spending a lot of money on brushes.

I use a variety of knives for my paintings. This gives my paintings texture, and allows me to have more control on difficult subjects.




                                                                                                  Solvents and Medium:

          I use Odorless Turpenoid to clean my brushes. I find it better than turpentine. Turpentine has a strong order that has to be ventilated.

                                          I like using Winsor & Newton Liquin Fine Detail.
                                                    It gives me nice control over my paint.
 When the painting is dry I can take a cloth and use it as a varnish to give the painting a shine.

These are some of the things that I use to paint. My palette my change from time to time, or when I am out plein air painting.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Relfections On Sugar Creek

                                                                  Reflections On Sugar Creek Oil on panel 8 x 10 

Reflections On Sugar Creek

I was hiking at Turkey Run State Park, and the reflections were mirror like that day. This is one of my favorite places to hike.
I love the beauty of this park. There are so many amazing things to see and do here.

Reflections On Sugar Creek

Oil on panel 8 x 10

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


                                                                  "Forgotten"  Oil 11 x 14, Artist: Sondra Cromwell 


This is a painting that I painted from a photo near Nashville Indiana on Kent road. It is along a narrow road that seems to get thinner the more you drive on it.
I love the shape and roughness of the barn, how it is just tucked in and out of the way.


Oil 11 x 14

Monday, January 28, 2013

Suburban Woods

                                                                  "Suburban Woods" Oil on canvas panel 11" x 14" 

Suburban Woods

I started this from a value study using white and black acrylic, making gray values to tone the canvas. I found it very helpful to start the painting.
This was a technique that I learned from a class I took. I think I will try more this way and see what I end up with.
Suburban Woods
11 x 14 Oil on canvas panel
If interested please contact me at:



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Small Town Indiana

Small Town Indiana

I was traveling with my husband in Marion Indiana. We went there, because I wanted paint every county in Indiana. This was some time ago.

We were crossing the tracks somewhere in Marion when I snapped the photo. It took a long time before I decided to paint the picture.

                                                                   "Small Town Indiana"   Oil on canvas 8" x 10
Small Town Indiana
Oil 8 x 10
contact me if interested at:

The Feed Mart

                                                                   "The Feed Mart" Oil on canvas panel 11" x 14"  

The Feed Mart

A building I found in Brookville Indiana
during a paint out
I did in 2009. This is painted from a old
What a great time I had in Brookville. 

The Feed Mart

Oil on Panel 11 x 14
If your interested please contact me at:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Impressionistic Oils by Sondra Cromwell: Late Summer Morning

Impressionistic Oils by Sondra Cromwell: Late Summer Morning:       Late Summer Morning   I found this location on my way to T.C. Steele to check in for their paint out. I discover that the s...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter On Big Walnut Creek

I painted this from a photo that I took a few years back in Greencastle, Indiana. This was my teenage swimming hole. It's at a place we called the Four Arches, I don't know why it is called that when there is only two arches, but we sure had a lot of fun there.

                                                                         Winter On Big Walnut Creek Oil on Masonite 6 x 6
                                                        Winter On Big Walnut Creek
                                                                       Oil 6 x 6

Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter Colors On Mud Creek

Winter Colors On Mud Creek was a so much fun to paint. I painted this Plein air with another artist in the snow. We didn't let the cold and the wind stop us from creating something good.



                 "Winter Colors On Mud Creek"
                            Oil Plein air
                                 8 x 10