Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Old Train

                  "The Old Train"
                      Oil Plein Air 

I wanted to paint something old, so I drove to Forest Park in Noblesville Indiana. It had been sprinkling, so I used the hatch back of my car to shelter me from the rain. I had to use my umbrella for my easel to protect the canvas from getting wet. Water and oil just doesn't mix! 

The painting I did of these old box cars went really well for me. It just seemed like everything fell into place. I think I would like to an old train engine if I could find one. I love trains, and old trains are my favorite ones. 

If interested in purchasing this painting contact me at:

Green Apple

                  "Green Apple"
                      Oil 8" x 10" 

I just had to paint something when I painted the apple. It had been raining off and on all day. I drove to Barnes and Nobles parking lot, so I wouldn't be too far from work. 

I didn't have too much time to spend on this painting. I enjoyed painting this, working on my strokes. This was a good practice for me. 

If interested in purchasing this painting contact me at:

The Stephenson House

         "The Stephenson House"
                   Oil Plein Air
                          8" x 10"

I have a artist friend Lesley Haflich who has a studio at the Stephenson House. There are four artist in all at the house. It is run by The Nickel Plate Arts. 

Lesley was in her studio painting and I wanted to paint something outside, so I decided to paint the Stephenson House. While I was painting I had a gentleman to stop by that liked what I was doing. He thought it was cool! 

After I was done with this painting Lesley and I went to the Uptown Cafe for lunch. Then afterwards it was back to work for me. 

If interested in the purchase of this painting you can contact me at: 

Green Awning

                "Green Awning" 
                     Oil Plein Air 
                         8" x 10"

This was painted at Carmel Center City in Carmel Indiana. The Hamilton County  Artists' Association plein air group held a informal paint out at this location. 

The scene was buildings of little shoppes and restaurants. The green awning is what attracted me to this scene. The light hitting it just made the color pop.   

  If interested in the purchase of this piece contact me at: 

Country Road

                  "Country Road" 
             Oil Plein Air 8" x 10"

I started back to work, and my shifts at work are split shifts. I decided to paint on my down time. 

I painted this painting on the back side of Potters Bridge. While I was there an old friend stopped by to say hello. One of the things I love about plein air painting is the people you meet. Some people are kind, and some are strange. It makes the whole process very entertaining. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Morning Light On Sugar Creek

        "Morning Light On Sugar Creek"

This painting is from an IPAPA (Indiana Plein Air Painters Association) paint out. The paint out was in Waveland Indiana at T.C. Steele Boyhood Home.

We were allowed to paint in the surrounding area of Montgomery or Park County. I choose to paint in Turkey Run State Park, which is in Park Count.  This painting was just down from the suspension bridge on the banks of Sugar Creek.