Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Things In Mom's Kitchen

The painting "Things In Mom's Kitchen" was painted last year in April 2011. I came to her to visit and like most of the times my paints travel with me. I found these items in her kitchen. Her home is just filled with all kinds of antiques. I set these items up to take a try at a still life. I don't do many still life's, I would rather paint landscapes. My mother is the proud owner of this painting. She has it sitting on a small table in her dinning room.

The Shack

I was is Kentucky in April 2012 at my niece's home. I always bring my paints with me when I travel. It was my second day there when I decided I wanted to paint. My niece lives on top of a big hill. The view from her home is just amazing. Over looking the road from below there was this shack. The sun was hitting the building nicely, and the field of wild flowers were in full bloom. The distance of the hills in the back ground helps put some depth in this painting.