Sunday, January 8, 2012

The New Easel

My Family and I were camping at Summit Lake in Indiana. I brought my easel and paints, so I could find the right subject to paint. My husband went with me on our little hike around the lake. He was carrying my easel which was filled with all my paints. The easel was pretty heavy. We would get to an opening and my husband would ask me if this spot was good. I would always respond with not hear. What I wanted, was him to carry that heavy easel half way around the lake, so he could see how heavy that easel was. This way I could talk him into a new tripod easel that I really wanted. Well I found the right spot. I finally allowed him to rest, and he told me that I needed to get a lighter easel. My plan for a new easel worked. I just had to think a little bit and make it his decision, then I could have what I wanted a new easel.

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